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3 Steps to Get What You Want Out Of Life

When my daughter Lena was about 7 years old, she got very upset because there was something she wanted. I didn’t know what it was, or why she was upset. All I knew was that she was very upset.

She did the Lena Lockout… she locked her knees, curled her toes, and held her breath. Clearly, she was ticked about something, but refused to tell me. Eventually after some time of cajoling her to tell me what wrong, she erupted.

She wanted something, and it wasn’t fair she didn’t get it.

I asked her, if she told me she wanted the thing, and I missed it?

She said no, I should just know what she wants.

I let her know that that I am not a mind reader, and if she wants something all she has to do is ask. Put it out there, because at least when you say what you want, you have 50% chance of getting it. If you say nothing you have a 100% chance that you will never get what you want.

Like Lena learned that day, it takes courage and knowing yourself to know what you want, and to ask for what you want.

When it comes to achieving the success you want to achieve, the same holds true.

Recently a posed the question on social media, “Do you set goals or do you avoid setting goals?”

The answers I got ran the gambit. Some people avoid setting goals or declaring what they want, because what if they fail or the answer is no?

While others, detest the word and very concept of setting ”goals” but still get what they want out of life by creating a vision, and steps to achieve that vision, creating accountability and consistency, or manifesting (this is cringe world for me, but whatever works for you, works for you.)

Regardless of what you call the process of declaring what you want and the process for going after doesn’t really matter. Find the verbage that works for you.

Many of us were taught to sit still, be quiet, look pretty. It never occurred to us, that we were even allowed to have or ask for what we want. It can be a be a learning curve to actually ask ourselves what we want, and get after getting it.

You don’t need permission to want what you want.

You don’t need permission to go after what you want.

What you do need to get what you want out of life, business and all your pursuits is simple, not easy.

  1. “What do I want?”

    Have the courage to ask yourself what do you want. It can take time to come up with an answer, especially if you have never asked yourself what it is you want. The more you ask this question, the faster you will know if you are actually on the right track for achieving what you want.

  2. Figure out the action steps

    Knowing what you want is one thing. Having the courage to go after it, is another. You can want want something, but if no one knows, and you don’t have a plan of daily actions for getting it, you will never have it.

    To many live their lives half way, saying what they want, and then wait for the universe to serve it up on a silver platter without actually taking the action steps to make it happen. Then they wonder why, they still don’t have what they want.

    Declaration + Intentional Action= Results

  3. Have patience & trust

    Change takes time. Success takes time. Sometimes things take more time than others. Trust yourself, trust the process, and have faith that with persistence good things will come.

    The journey to having the life and business you want, it the biggest and most beautiful part of life, and attaining your goals and visions.

Whether you set goals, have visions, make plans, or set intentions- there are many words and ways we go about creating the life and experiences we want.

If you have yet to sit down and declare what you want to yourself and the world around you, there is no time like the present. Sign up for my 90 minute Workshop on Monday, January 11th at 11a MST. We will break down where you are and were you want to go in the next 3,6,9, and 12 months in 9 key areas of your life and business. You can sign up for my 90 Minute Workshop here.

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