The Sara Frances Show

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3 Tips for Managing time when you have no time.

Time is our most valuable asset. Time can not be created or destroyed, but it can sure pass quickly if we aren't intentional about how we use it.

As Momma Bosses it is really easy to get wrapped up in life and lose track of time, for time to just fly by- and next thing we know it is 8 o'clock on a school night, you still don't know what's for dinner, the kids and hubs are cranky, hungry and tired, and you may be searching for the nearest bottle of wine to uncork to try and silence the sounds as you figure out what's for dinner.

The overwhelm is a real deal, you find yourself identifying with your crazy mother. Perhaps she wasn't so nuts as you had originally thought.

Yep, I think we have all been there.

The good news is, you don't have to stay there. Stuck in the overwhelm of life passing you by and you just being along for the ride. In fact you can make time and life yours to handle.

I know what your are thinking, " Sara, you just don't understand, my life is so busy keeping up with everyone else- how could it ever be different. How can I make my goals a priority when my family is my priority."

To that I say, I was once there myself. Overwhelmed, afraid to follow my dreams for fear that my family would be left in the dust. Here's the thing though, your family needs you to follow your dreams. 

If your dream is to start your own business, provide a service for others you not only owe it to your family to follow your dreams but it's also your moral ethical obligation to share your gift with the world and those who need what you have to offer. I digress.


Learning to leverage your time, so you can manage your business not so your business manages you, is crucial not only to the business's survival, but yours and your families as well. 

Here are my Top 3 TIPS for making the most of your minutes and hours.

1) Set Boundaries around your work time

Setting boundaries around your work time, work days, family time and free time is crucial so that you can turn it on and then turn it off when it's time to  attend to your family, friends and social obligations. It's also good to let people know your boundaries so they know WHAT to expect from you and WHEN to expect from you. When you don't set boundaries on your working hours it can be very easy to slip into bad habits, and do what you do best- work on something you love that you know is going to make a difference to a lot of people. Plus when you set boundaries you will find that you get more done in less time, because you have focused time to work. I am able to get done in 5 hours a day what used to take me 18- because I set boundaries on myself and let my staff, clients and family know what they could expect. This also provides a level of built in accountability.

2) Schedule Everything

Personally I am an every 15 minutes kind of girl and I block my time. Also remember the schedule can be changed, but it is there to hold you accountable and keep you moving forward. Sometimes things get shifted so we must shift. Just remember your schedule is there to protect you- not to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

3) Learn to say no or delegate

We are notorious for saying yes, yes, yes until we have no time or energy left to give. It's ok to not be everything to everyone and to not do it all. When you learn to say No to the things you really don't want to do you are going to be able to say yes to the things you really do want to do. For the things in life that must be done, it's ok for you not to have to be the one who does it! Hire someone to clean your house, go grocery shopping, do your laundry. Delegate the things that take the most time that do nothin to make your business more successful- you won't regret it and you will wonder why it took you so long in the first place.

Here is an example of my Monday Thru Thursday Schedule, sometimes it changes, but I do my best to stick within these guidelines:

5a-630a: Journal, Meditate, Workout

630a-8a: Get Ready for the day, and get the kids off to school

8a-820a: Drive to work- listen to inspiring podcast 

820a-10a: Meet with Clients

10a-11a: Check in with staff/ Staff Training

11-12p: Lunch with Husband

12-1:30p: Meet with Clients or work on big project

1:30-3p: Create Content- Blog Posts, Videos, FB LIVE, Email Broadcasts

3p-3:20p: Power down, brain dump, and review tomorrows schedule

3:20-5p: Pick up kids, help with homework, etc

5-6p: Phones and Devices off, Cook dinner

6-8:30p: Family Time

8:30-8:45p: Tuck in kids

8:45-10:30p: Adult time with my husband