The Sara Frances Show

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4 Ways to Reduce Stress while Growing Your Team

Stressed out business owners and managers who are struggling to manage a team… 

You are not alone, the thing is nobody is born a leader- sure some people have natural qualities of leadership like assertiveness, vision, being great communicators, etc.

Few business owners know or understand how to scale themselves and their own work without micromanaging, controlling, or giving too much freedom.

Becoming an effective leader is a challenge on the best day in the best circumstances, that many business owners and new managers fail spectacularly at, leaving them tired, frustrated, and wishing they had never hired the first place. 

I get it. 

The first several years that I hired employees was nothing short of a disaster, I didn’t know what I should have them do which made training an issue. I didn’t know what my expectations were which made communication an issue. Plus, it felt like I was constantly burning the candle both ends with constant interruptions in my own work.

Can you relate?

Most business owners don’t start a business to create jobs, hire people, or grow a team. They start a business because they have a passion they want to pursue and desire the freedom that comes with being their own boss, master of their destiny.

So what happens when the business becomes too big just for you?

Time to grow a team.

Which makes most business owners I know a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety. 

What if you hire the wrong person?

What if they don’t share your vision?

What if you are a bad leader?

What if you can’t train them?

What if you don’t know what to have them do?

What if you end up working more that you are now?

I think we all fear the unknown and having things blow up in our faces, but there are ways to hire intelligently and build a tremendously strong, and loyal team who share your vision.

I had someone ask me how do you manage a team without being available 24/7/365. 

The simple answer, establish your communication cycles early.

  1. Start with a Full Team Meeting at the beginning of the workday- only needs to be 10 mins. In this meeting have your team members or managers share what they are working on, where they need help, and customer/ client celebrations.

  2. Have 1 Weekly Team meeting- this is the perfect time to train, plan, and build the future vision for your company.

  3. One on ones with your team members once a month or biweekly so you can connect, and evaluate each team member and their experience with the company. Bottom line- get to know your people.

  4. Bonus: Quarterly & Annual planning meetings- to set goals, establish metrics, and build your vision for the future.

Bringing on a team should take things off your plate, not add things to it. Like all things in business there is strategy to growing an awesome and effective team just like there is a strategy for sales and marketing. 

If you are a business owner who is struggling to grow their team, and become the leader you were born to be, we it might be time for us to hop on a call, and created a strategic plan to make it happen. To schedule your call click here.

You can also claim my Momma Boss Sanity Saver Course now while it’s FREE, seriously this course is one of my best full length courses and it’s completely free! Claim it NOW!