The Sara Frances Show

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Feeling Better a day at a time starts with this

In the last several months I have seen my life and business change dramatically. I hired a new business coach and not only has my business been transformed, but me as a person. Building a growing a business is one of the best self help programs out there, and hiring a good coach will help you get there faster.

You learn who you are, who you are not and who you need to become. Growing a business is one of the quickest ways to recognize your biggest fears, and insecurities. Especially as you start to build a team, and help more people. I suppose the same could be said of motherhood.

In the past- through periods of rapid business growth I have found myself feeling extended, anxious, angry, elated, joyful and grateful. The mixed bag of emotions is enough to make anyone think that they are just a couple steps away from the edge and about a block away from the loony bin.

The last month after listening to my coach, countless podcasts, prayer and a lot of searching. I came to the conclusion I could do what all my coaches, mentors and friends were recommending or I could continue to fight myself and be miserable in the process. This is a recipe for destruction and self sabotage, something I am all too familiar with.

I realized after getting my business headed in the right direction, my health and fitness had taken a left turn, I chose to ignore it. Being a personal trainer, being fat and out of shape is frowned upon and really not great for business.

So what did I do? 

I did what I tell my clients to do and invested in a results and accountability coach to help me shed the 30 extra pounds that had found its way to my belly, butt and thighs. Making this investment in my personal wellness, was giving myself permission to finally do the things I had been making excuses for not doing. Like feeding myself regularly (seems insane I know, but I love to work, and I forget to eat when I am working,) exercising consistently and fitting it into my schedule, not wedging it into my schedule when I'm not busy- which will never happen.

What else did hiring a health coach give me permission to do?

Be nice to myself.

It had been a while since I had journaled consistently, written my daily gratitude, written the things that make me uncomfortable, and done my daily affirmations.

It's amazing what can happen when a woman decides to finally be nice to herself. Talk about rapid momentum and instant joy.

I committed to my coach to begin waking up 30 minutes than I normally would, just to be nice to myself and journal about me, my life, my perceptions and changing perceptions that were damaging me more than they were helping me.

In 1 week, I am no longer using an alarm to wake up, I am sleeping better, and rising more excited to greet the day. I am more positive and motivated through the day to show up and have fun with my work, not just push through it.

So what should you journal?

1. Affirmations - kind words about positive beliefs about yourself or goals written as though they are already completed.

2. Gratitude- 5-10 things you are grateful for, simple things like a warm cup of coffee, or your soft pillow to rest your head on.

3. Challenges and the things that make you uncomfortable- This is literally the best advice I have been given to date by none other than THE Alex Charfen. Because as entrepreneurs and mothers we are surrounded by pressure and noise and as we face it and name it. Only then can we find a solution to change it, systematize it, delegate it, or accept it.

***This is far and away the most impactful exercise I have learned to date.

So grab a journal, a pen and your favorite cup of coffee or jug of water and start now, start today, in the peace of the early morning. I promise you it will change your life and your day.