The Sara Frances Show

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Why does it look easier for everyone else?

Have you ever found yourself comparing your business journey to those around you- near and far?

It’s easy to look at someone who is crushing it in business and wonder what it is they have that you don’t.

You hustle your ass off.

You aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty.

You aren’t afraid of hard work.

The moment I realized that building my business wasn’t just a matter of ME working harder was the moment everything changed.

Like me you put in the hours, put in the reps and still find your results lacking- but you can go to bed every night completely spent- because you hustled and grinded and were for sure the hardest worker in the room.

So why does success seem harder for you to come by than the next person?

It’s not…

Seriously, we all compare what happening internally with ourselves to what we see externally portrayed online.

Here’s the thing about when people post pretty glossy photos with fun inspirational headings… you have no clue what was happening behind the scenes of that photo for the person in it.

Everyone I know in business wants to be inspirational and aspirational.

Inspirational for their teams, their prospects and their clients.

Aspirational for everyone who is watching.

You never know when you will say or do something that changes everything for another person, so we keep showing up, putting our best face forward- even if on the inside it feels like drowning.

The pressure to perform in business, as an entrepreneur is intense.

The pressure we put on ourselves.

The pressure to provide for our families and our future.

The pressure to be top dog

The pressure to win another day.

The pressure to keep the company moving forward so that we can keep our employees and help them provide for their families.

I do believe that some people have more internal and external stressors and pressures than others- but the pressure is all the same.

The pressure and consistent stress can lead us to believing that we are the only ones in the whole world struggling as much as we are to show up and win everyday in business.

They say, if you can make it look easy- you must be doing it right.

Chances are you make what you do look easy to someone else, even if on the inside you are screaming, crying and feeling slightly unhinged.

Stop comparing yourself to the pretty photos on instagram and the inspirational posts on facebook, it’s not an accurate measuring stick of success.

Building a business is stressful, but it doesn’t have to be hard as we make it, I have opened up 3 Business Brainstorm Sessions this week, to claim one and book your own Business Brainstorm Session click here.

In this call we will go over what is working in your business, what isn’t and where do you go from here so that you scale your impact without scaling your own output.

You can have it all, but it doesn’t mean you have to be the one doing it all.

Book your Business Brainstorm Session here.