" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will light your path." - Proverbs 3:5-6


My name is Sara Goossen, and I am the Momma Boss. I am a mother of 5, a wife, and a serial entrepreneur. I have owned and been partners in businesses ranging from financial, retail, and fitness over the last decade.

Like you I am a hard charging woman. In October of 2015 I was in the midst of experiencing some of my greatest "success." It came at a price though. I was working 18 hour days, bringing in more money than I ever had, and my marriage was crumbling, I was missing out on being a mom to my children and they would ask me things like, "Mom, are you going to make it to this game? You haven't been to one yet this season." I was gutted. 

To make matters worse my health was spiraling, I had gained 20lbs and was struggling with adrenal fatigue.

One day on my way to the airport, for an out of town meeting- I cracked. I didn't want to go. I pleaded with my husband to please turn the car around, and take me home.

He didn't.


I went to that meeting, AND I had a come apart- tears, snot, and hysterics in front of my peers, and mentors.

If this is what success looked like, I didn't want it.

I left that meeting, defeated and broken.

Over, the next 3 months I set about the process of transforming my business, so it no longer owned me. I recreated my business, so I owned my business and my life. By January of 2016 I was able to spend 3 months away from the day to day business operations, and was finally able to tap into my joy and my mission to help others again.

Over the last year I have made it my mission to help other Momma Boss's who are struggling to do it all. To BE it all. While still experiencing success that is Fierce, Financially Free, and Full of Family and FUN!