4 Ways to Manage Negative Emotions

Stress happens, now in the times of COVID 19 it happens especially.

It can be really to give into the frustration, and negativity and let the world inundate your brain space and your sense of peace. The most stoic among us have probably come undone once or twice during this time.

What we do guard our thoughts and our minds, in times of stress truly determines who we are as individuals, leaders, mothers and spouses. Even the most positive people can give into negative thoughts and feelings.

Our character is forged by our actions, but our actions are forged by our thoughts and our thoughts are forged by our emotions.

The way I see it, when faced with times of adversity, negativity, drama, and chaos we have 4 choices when it comes to managing and handling our emotions. Sometimes we nail it, other times it nails us, but in the quest to make ourselves better everyday it’s crucial that we learn how to manage our emotions.

  1. Give into the negative emotions, throw a fit, have a pity party and believe the negative emotion is true.

    We each have the opportunity with every thought and feeling to choose our perspective. That perspective can breath life or death to your existence.

    When we allow ourselves to go too far down the rabbit hole of negativity it can become difficult to pull ourselves back to center. So difficult to the point where many people need the help of medication, counseling, and coaching. Though all those things hold a place a place in our mental well being (lord knows the hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars I have invested in counseling and coaching.) I just think often times we can skip that hard and expensive part entirely just by minding our thoughts and being intentional with our thoughts and feelings, from the beginning

  2. Question the emotions and the negative thoughts that come with it.

    Anger is rooted in fear. When you feel angry and frustrated- instead of giving into the the fear and anger and ripping someone a new one or berating yourself what if you got curious and questioned the feeling.

    Where is the feeling coming from?

    What can you learn from this feeling?

    What are your emotions trying to tell you?

    What is really going on here?

  3. Capture the thought and flip it

    When you have a negative or unproductive thought you don’t have to act on it or do anything with it. If you are paying attention to your thoughts you have the opportunity to capture that thought and change it.

    You see you can’t control your thoughts, but you can notice them and change them.

    Like when you wake up in the morning and feel unmotivated to to do anything, getting out of bed becomes a chore. What if you took the thought and feeling of laziness and instead stopped the thought and gave yourself permission to get excited about all the opportunities in your day.

    Suddenly your day and your outlook changes.

  4. Do not even give the pain a voice.

    When you give your pain a voice you give it power, when you give it power you become disempowered and slip into victim mode, believing the pain to be true.

    Instead of focusing on the failure reframing the failure to a success because of what you learned will keep you moving forward and out of feeling defeated.

    When someone asks you how you are doing, even if you have had the hardest, worst day every, you respond, “I am outstanding.”

    Your words have power, and you speak the life you want into existence- regardless of feeling.

Feelings are fleeting, and futile. They change in a moments notice. Consider the emotional roller coaster you are on when binging on your favorite drama. One minute you’re laughing and smiling, the next you have tears running down your face unable to gain control.

Feelings and emotions change, and it’s so powerful when you are the one to change them- NOT CIRCUMSTANCES or things beyond your control.

You control you, how you respond, how you act and even the thoughts and feeling you allow to dictate your life and way of being.

Control what you can control

Cope with what you can’t control.

And eliminate the rest.

I believe it starts with recognizes your emotions and unwanted feelings before they have the opportunity to take you down the mental vortex of poo rabbit hole.

The space between your ears can move your forward or keep you stuck. It’s a choice each moment, hour and day we are alive to manage our thoughts and feelings.


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A little hope in the hard


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