Keep First Things First

When I owned my gym, we specialized in helping people achieve the weight loss goals they had failed to achieve with other methods, and we were damn good at it. We marketed weight loss through nutrition, exercise, and accountability.

People got great results, because once they were in our doors they also got community, personal and group coaching, and once they hit their goals- we helped them to keep the weight off, and achieve their next physical goals- whether is was to run 5k’s or marathons, get stronger, or develop a more chiseled physique.

Men and women who came into my gym, allowed themselves to become immersed in our methodology and our culture- their lives were forever changed, because they changed not just how they looked at exercise, their food, but also themselves.

If we sold the big transformation, nobody would have understood our marketing. They would have struggled to understand our message. We kept first things first.

It’s easy for us as creators to create ourselves right out of a job. In fact it’s a mistake that I initially made when I launched The Momma Boss. I wanted to help busy Female Entreprenuers who also happen to be mom’s (the word momprenuer makes me cringe, so I try not to use it,) to relieve stress in trying to manage and run their successful businesses through systems and structures.

Sounds great right?

The very problem I wanted to solve, was falling on stressed out, deaf ears, because let’s be honest when you promise an entrepreneur or business owner less stress- you are met with an eye roll, and disbelief. As entrepreneurs we accept that we will always have a level of stress, and when we don’t have stress, we tend to create it.

So I took it deeper… and promised to help people, fix their broken business- that was stressing them out, and costing them relationships, sanity and peace of mind. I got some response, from people saying- yes you get me, but not enough interest for people to crack open their wallet.

The pain I was talking to wasn’t deep enough. The solution, looked like more work.

People don’t want to be sold more work, they don’t want to buy more work.

So I dug deeper and deeper, until I figured it out.

People want to buy a solution that provides them with relief from their problems which typically falls into these categories.

  • Status (Will it make me popular, famous, or seen as awesome)

  • Money (Money buys choices & everyone knows that)

  • Sex (Weight loss and body transformation fall into this category)

When you can articulate which of these categories your product speaks to, it will be easier to sell your product or program.

I realized with the Momma Boss, that even though there is so much more that I help my clients with, I had to give in to the fact, that at the end of day, being a business consultant, I help clients make more money. It was a hard pill to swallow.

Fighting ego along the way, doesn’t help you help more people or change more lives. It just gives you an excuse to be broke and not make a difference in the world.

Remember to meet people where they are at, if you truly want to help them.

I see so many coaches, and consultants who get so wordy in their I help… statements, that what they do, actually gets lost in translation and falls on deaf ears. I get it, it’s a process of honing, refining, and redefining what it is you do.

Much like with my gym, I wasn’t leading with maintain your weight. That’s not what people want. I led with the promise, keeping first things first. Weight loss, and body transformation.

When you keep first things first, people fully get how you can help them. Then once they come into your sphere of work and methodology- you show them HOW to get what they want.

Keep first things first.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions.

What is their next level?

What is the first step for you prospective customer or client?

What do they need to have in order to get to the next level?

How can you help them get to the next level?

If you are too far ahead in your ideal clients journey, take it back a notch. Go Deeper. Remove your creative ego from the mix, and get down in the dirt and really consider what do my clients and prospective clients really want?

Do they want more money?

Do they want more status?

Do they want more sex appeal?

What do they want to feel more in control of in their business or their lives?

When you can speak to that pain and make a clear and concise promise your business will grow.

If you are having a hard time honing your message and growing your business. I can help.

If you are a coach, consultant or service provider, I created something for you 15 Ways to Make 100k this Year. In this guide I walk you through how simple and relatively easy it can be, to make 100k in your business this year.

Plus I guide you thru the 3 things your business needs to succeed and:

  • Attract clients who want what you are selling

  • Are willing to pay for it

  • Become raving fans who refer their friends

Click here to Access my 15 Ways to Make 100k This Year In Your Business.

If you are struggling to nail your messaging, get sales, and get your business off the ground- I have a new program my Get Paid Everyday Case Study Implementation Program that will help you.

In the Get Paid Everyday Case Study Implementation Program I will walk with you through:

  • Creating a message that attracts your ideal client

  • Show you how to start attracting the right clients to you

  • Help you build a simple business that pays you everyday

If want to discover if my Get Paid Everyday Case Study Implementation Program can help you, let’s hop on a call. On this call, I will learn more about you, your business and discover if I can help you. Book your call here.


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