Sara Goossen Sara Goossen

How to Start a 6 Figure Side Business

What does it take to grow a 6 Figure Coaching, Consulting, or creative business?

It’s really not that hard to grow a successful business, but it does require you do the little things well, but it starts in the beginning.

When you keep business simple, it grows. Every coach, consultant and book on business agrees that when you keep it simple, it simply grows.

The problem with most entrepreneurs is we are full of brilliant ideas, that our biggest struggle is focus. Shiny object syndrome is real, and if you follow every shiny object that comes into your line of sight, you will slow or completely stop your progress.

The simplicity of starting a thriving business boils down to:

What does it take to grow a 6 Figure Coaching, Consulting, or creative business?

It’s really not that hard to grow a successful business, but it does require you to do the little things, and do them well.

When you keep business simple, it grows. Every coach, consultant and book on business agrees that when you keep it simple, it simply grows.

The problem with most entrepreneurs is we are full of brilliant ideas, that our biggest struggle is focus. Shiny object syndrome is real, and if you follow every shiny object that comes into your line of sight, you will slow or completely stop your progress.

The simplicity of starting a thriving business boils down to:

1 Product

Many entreprenuers, including myself have made the simple mistake of thinking if we just have more products we will build a bigger business, and I believe there is a time and place to add new products and services, but it is not in the beginning.

To grow a thriving business, you first need to have a product that proves the concept of all the products and services that you will create later down the road.

Whether you are looking at a product based business like Burt’s Bee’s or Apple, a service based business like a bank. Every successful business gains it’s market foothold by doing 1 thing, and doing it really well, before branching out to additional products that feed their core business.

Burt’s Bee’s started as a chapstick company, then added lotions, creams, and skin care.

Apple started as a PC company, and as the market demanded added lap-tops, mp3 players, tablets, and phones, but they started with creating Personal Home Computers.

As you are creating your business model, do yourself a favor, be decisive, and focus on creating 1 Product at a Price with a Profit Margin. (Profit matters but that’s another blog post)

1 Market

Some call this your Avatar, which for me has never resonated and every time I hear the word avatar not in reference to the movie, I get a sassy.

I like to think of your market as your customer. The person I am talking to, who I know is looking for my product or service.

I imagine her as a friend, and every blog I write, podcast I record, or message I deliver I imagine I am having a conversation with her.

Knowing who your customer is, is knowing what problem you are solving for them, who they are, and why they want to work with you, or buy your product over your competitors.

1 Message

Message matters.

If there is a disconnect between your message and your product, your market will be confused. A confused buyer never buys.

The time it takes to hone your message can be as long or short as you need it to be. Find comfort in knowing that your message takes time to perfect and it is helpful to have someone to get feedback from when it comes to your messaging. Otherwise, it can feel much like beating your head against a brick wall as you continuously put stuff out there, but get little to no response.

How you talk about your product from the features and benefits to how it will serve your prospect and customer matters more than we like to think. If you are going to spend time on anything, spend time on your message. The product is the easy part.

The message is where most miss the mark.

1 Platform

Contrary to what you have heard, you do not need to spend your entire day posting all over social media, on all of the platforms to build a successful business. I have tried it, and let me tell you- it just made me hate social media more than I already do.

You just need to pick one platform, if it’s Facebook- then focus all your energy on building your audience on facebook, and getting them to an email list.

If it’s instagram, then focus your energy there.

Where ever you focus your attention be there. For me my platform is my blog, and I share my content to social media.

Keep it simple!

If you are looking for help finally getting your business off the ground, I am holding a 5 Day Launch Your 6 Figure Side Biz Workshop starting On Thursday January 7th.

In this workshop, I am going to walk you through taking your coaching, consulting or creative business idea and making it into a living breathing thing that you can grow to 6 figures fast.

Sign up for my Free 5 Day Launch Your 6 Figure Side Biz Workshop here.

Let me know in the comments, what is stopping you from getting your business off the ground.

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Sara Goossen Sara Goossen

How to Start Believing in Yourself

I think we all go through times of getting knocked down, getting back up and having to dust ourselves off. A lot of people, have spent their lives getting knocked down, roughed around, talked down and at times it seems like you have more critics than cheerleaders.

Not everyone is going to believe in you and your dreams like you do, and most people want you to stay small, because it makes them more comfortable. At the end of the day- you have to have your back regardless of what anyone else thinks, says or does.

You can feel like a complete imposter, insecure, and unsure as you move forward towards your dreams and goals, but if you believe in yourself- that you are capable, smart, strong and can figure things out. There is literally nothing you can’t do.

It is easier to not believe in yourself, to not defend yourself, to not think for yourself and to not pursue your own dreams and goals, then it is to allow others to dictate how you see yourself.

I think we all go through times of getting knocked down, getting back up and having to dust ourselves off. A lot of people, have spent their lives getting knocked down, roughed around, talked down and at times it seems like you have more critics than cheerleaders.

Not everyone is going to believe in you and your dreams like you do, and most people want you to stay small, because it makes them more comfortable. At the end of the day- you have to have your back regardless of what anyone else thinks, says or does.

You can feel like a complete imposter, insecure, and unsure as you move forward towards your dreams and goals, but if you believe in yourself- that you are capable, smart, strong and can figure things out. There is literally nothing you can’t do.

It is easier to not believe in yourself, to not defend yourself, to not think for yourself and to not pursue your own dreams and goals, then it is to allow others to dictate how you see yourself.

Most times the way we think others see us isn’t accurate- unless they told you. The way we think others see us often is a result of how we see our most insecure and weakest parts of ourselves, those are the thoughts we think others have about us. Which is just a way our subconscious keeps us safe, and prevents us from pursuing life on our terms.

To break this cycle of negative self talk, being down on yourself and giving into the worst thoughts of ourselves and the worst things people have said to us, it helps to have a plan to build yourself us.

Our thoughts, for the most part are automatic- so if you want to change your thoughts, and change your beliefs about yourself- we have to shift our brains from automatic mode to manual mode for a bit, until your brain get a handle on your new way of thinking and believing. Below are a few ways to take back control of your thoughts, and intentionally change how you see yourself and what you are capable of.

  1. Acknowledge Your Strengths

    I get it, it’s beyond easy to focus on your weaknesses, only your weaknesses while never looking at your strengths. Somewhere in the midst of being a woman and a human we got this collective idea, that if you think highly of yourself you are somehow a smug, pompous, full of yourself goober- who nobody likes or want to be around. Eww.

    Give yourself permission to let go of that toxic thought process. It’s not serving you and it never will.

    It’s ok to acknowledge what an adorable badass you are. Then recognize all of your good qualities just as much or dare I say more than you recognize all of your perceived weaknesses.

    If you have been beaten down to the point where you feel like a shell of human, this step is even more important. Even if you have to start small, because it feels like you are one big ball of weakness, insecurity, and unworthiness with an affinity to surrounding yourself with people who only confirm all that ick.

    As you become more practiced at recognizing and acknowledging your strengths, the easier it gets. It feels clumsy before it feel fab, so have patience with yourself.

  2. Acknowledge Past Wins

    People are either motivated in life by winning or they are motivated in life by not losing. Personally, I love to win- winning is my favorite. Any reason to celebrate, I am your girl.

    No matter how small the wins are, we all have at least a handful- if you truly don’t feel like you have ever done or accomplished anything, a few things you may consider.

    > Change your perspective from being a victim to being a student, and reflect on all the possible lessons you could have learned from simply attempting something bold.

    > Start small, if you know without a shadow of a doubt, that all you seem to do is lose. Even if it’s something as small as getting out of bed, and brushing your hair. A win is win no matter how small.

    For my fitness clients, were in the process of losing weight- it often felt like they were making no progress, because the scale wasn’t changing, their clothes weren’t changing, all the physical and visual things were not changing. So instead of focusing of the results, we would focus on the winning efforts that would eventually accumulate enough for them to see more visual changes. Things like, drinking their water, sticking to their meal plan, and getting enough sleep.

    When you can focus on the small wins, the small wins add up to big wins over time.

  3. Acknowledge Areas of Struggle

    When you can recognize areas that you struggle with, it can be a lot easier to prepare for them. You have your areas of struggle, that you know consistently shows up as struggle for you.

    Maybe you have a tendency to talk yourself out of what you really want.

    Maybe you self sabotage with busy-ness, food, negative thoughts, pity parties, alcohol, drugs, blaming your kids for not doing the things you want to do, creating excuses, not allocating the income.

    Whatever the areas that seem to come up as struggle for you, when you know what to expect from yourself, you can create a plan to walk through the struggle instead of getting stuck in it.

  4. Acknowledge Where You Want to Win

    You don’t have to focus on the things, all the time. our focus as human beings is fairly limited and if you are trying to hit 50 big goals in the next 12 weeks you will fail in every area.

    Knowing where you want to to win, and pursuing it like a junkyard dog with a bone will give you the confidence to pick new and different areas you want to win in.

    Acknowledging where you want to win, is a simple as discovering the answer to this one question.


  5. Set Goals

    Set some goals! Goals are stating what you want in a very clear way, some refer to the method as SMART Goals.

    S- Specific

    M- Measurable

    A- Achievable

    R- Relevant

    T- Time Bound

    Know what you want. Know when you want it. Is it possible for you in the that time period? Is your goal relevant to what you want? Know how long you are giving yourself to achieve it.

  6. Break It Down

    Break down your goals to bite size chunks. What you want to achieve is a matter of small daily actions repeated consistently over time.

    I like to call these bite size daily actions your focus goals, because when you are focused on doing the right kind of work, and doing it consistently- you will get results.

    What 1-3 actions do you need to take that will help you get micro wins that will add up to the big win that you want?

  7. Stay Committed

    When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    It’s easy to say you want something, do the work for a few weeks while your excited, and then once you realize that the consistent efforts you take everyday are work and not always fun, most people quit, give up, or give into the next shiny object that catches their attention.

    Staying committed to your goals means doing the work after the excited that got you started has left you.

  8. Surround Yourself with People WHO BELIEVE IN YOU

    When you are surrounded by people who believe in you, who cheer you on it is so much easier to achieve the things you want to achieve.

    Often the people who don’t believe in you, who don’t cheer you on will surprise. They will typically be the people who you care for the most- family, friends, spouses, and other people you are close to. The thing is, these people want to keep you safe, and don’t want you to fail, get hurt, or be disappointed- so many won’t support you having dreams and goals because if you don’t try you can never fail.

    Sometimes placing the least supportive people at an arms length distance while you work towards your goals and dreams is the best thing you can do for yourself.

    Finding people who think like you want to think, dream like you dream, and have achieved the success you want to have is best shot of motivation and inspiration you can give yourself.

    Success can be achieved without people who believe in you, but when you surround yourself with people who support you- success does become a bit easier and more enjoyable.

Building your self belief is an inside job, it’s not easy- but I believe that when you believe in yourself, you really can’t fail. Even if you have failed in the past or never tried anything bold because you simply lack belief in yourself. We all go through failures, upsets, and plot twists that shatter our confidence and self belief. How long you allow yourself to stay down and disempowered is 100% up to you. It’s my belief there is something to learn in every season, whether you are up or down.

Being hard on yourself is easy, putting yourself down is natural. It takes real effort to change that, and to lose patience with the you who is the harshest, most critical version of yourself.

You have the power, and the ability to change your thoughts , feelings and beliefs about yourself at any time. Take control of your narrative, change your life.

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Let me know in the comments what you think.

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