30K Months Suck!

Every guru and business coach out there tells you to strive for a freedom metric of something like 10-30k per month. I mean sure, in theory, that should solve all your problems., but the truth is, it means you will have new problems.

Because success in business has the tendency to create complexity.

When you first get started in business- you can’t even imagine selling 5 figures of product or services in a month, especially if you have been working for someone else and getting paid a few thousand dollars per month.

Having a 5 figure month can seem like a dream come true…. until you are consistently having 20-30k months in your business- and you stop, look around, shake your head and ask yourself “How is this so hard? I thought 30k months would feel like I have arrived in the business world.”

Instead of things feeling easier they feel harder.

You find yourself consistently dropping the ball, disappointing yourself, your clients, your team members and your family. You are now make some decent money, but it feels like a disaster.

When you have a business that is thriving and growing, and you have finally hit your “Freedom number” it seems like all hell breaks loose and if you aren’t on the ball in your business- things could start to go backwards.

There come many points in time when you are building a business where you will notice that things break.

Usually when things break- it can align with a certain amount of income or a certain about of fullfillment or production output.

Early in business you need to make sales- that’s your #1 goal- make money, sell things, get customers, stay afloat. Typically you are a soloprenuer, you wear all the hats, do all the things, and it’s good.

Then as you get proof of concept, you have customers, prospects, clients and a steady stream of sales- but when done right, your business will outgrow you. For many entrepreneurs the first break comes at the -20-30k per month mark-you have cracked the code- but you know you can’t keep up this break neck pace all on your own.

The symptoms of The 30k Suck are:

  • You are working around the clock, and your family hardly sees you.

  • Relationships are starting to feel the strain

  • You disappoint and let down clients, because while trying to juggle everything- you forgot to take the note, schedule something or respond to the email- and they slip through the cracks- some clients will be patient with your shortcomings understanding that you are running a growing business others will take to internet and run your good name through the mud. Which feels just as bad and dropping the ball.

  • You appear flighty, untrustworthy and a bit of a disaster to everyone around you- because you are so spread thin, and the business is winning the battle for your time and attention.

  • You are a jack of all but a master of none- you know you can’t keep going this way.

  • You are finally! Finally profitable, but if this is what it takes to run a profitable, successful business- do you truly have what it takes? Doubt Creeps in, that even though you have had success, you question if you can maintain it.

  • You are over working during the week, and sleeping all weekend- because you literally have nothing left to give.

  • You don’t have time for yourself, and you know your health is suffering as a result.

  • Your stress stays at a solid 7-10 most days, and you know you need to find a way to manage your stress and take things off your plate, but you don’t know who to hire, how to train them or what to have them do.

If any of this sounds familiar you are in the 30k Suck, but you don’t have to stay here. In fact if you do stay in the 30k suck, you will find your business going backwards to maintain a level of income that you alone can manage. Which, if you are anything like me, a high performer and Type A control freak- going backwards is not an option- not even close!

You haven’t come this far to only come this far! Nope!

So what do you do?

You can either figure it out the hard way, or the easy way.

The hard way, go it alone, make disastrous and costly hiring, training, and leadership mistakes- and risk the long term success of your business, the time that you are already short on and the profits you have just started to make.


You can get the help of someone who can lead you through the challenges of growth and scale that every business goes through.

Chances are, if you are like most entrepreneurs you started your business because you were passionate about your business, about who you serve, about your product or service- not because you are passionate about business, growing a team, becoming a leader or even becoming “THE BOSS.”

How you handle your business when it requires you to go from Being Your Own Boss to Being The Boss matters, but many business owners struggle to get over that hump, and many never do.

The #1 signal that you own a LIFETIME LEGACY business is when it can survive and thrive with out you being the person who does all the work.

What got you to 30k per month(your own hustle) won’t get you beyond 30k per month (a team hustling with you and for you.)

To get to the next level- your leadership is required.

To get to the next level- a new way of working is required.

You must be cautious to not grow too much too fast, and hire more people than you need (another fatal mistake many business owners make, growing too fast too soon.) Then the business consumes itself, and you are worse off than when you started.

What has been your experience with growing your business to 5 figures? What have been your biggest joys and your biggest challenges?

Let me know in the comments.

If you know you are ready to scale and your company past 5 figures, and you want to go fast, I might be able to help you, click here to apply, https://themommaboss.as.me/strategy-call and we will hop on quick call to see if I can help you.


The Most Important Person In Your Business


How to Sell Anything