How to Sell Anything

You don’t have to like selling or marketing, but when you own a business you at least have to get comfortable with selling and marketing. It can be uncomfortable learning new things, but embrace the hard!

Because selling is not about you.

You have to sell something in order to serve the people you know you are meant to serve.

People buying from you, is not for you, it’s for them.

Read that again.

It’s not about you.

Why so many people get squirrely when it comes to selling their product, program or service boils down to one simple thing- they are thinking about themselves more than their prospect.

A good way to think about it is this…

The last time you bought a new phone, were you embarrassed or offended because the sales person took your money? No!

You were grateful they did, because now you have a dope new phone that you can’t wait to show your friends.

People like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold… Unless of course you are a salesperson who literally evaluates every single sales conversation you have to hone and refine your own skills. In which case you are crazy and I love you!

There are a several different schools of thought when it comes to selling, but most of them can agree on a few things.

  1. Create Need

  2. Give Value

  3. Ask Permission

  4. Offer

  5. Shut Up and wait

Last but not least, don’t let your desperation come out like a teenage girl waiting for her crush to ask her to the school dance. It wasn’t sexy then, and it’s not sexy now.

I gave you the briefest overview possible, but I find that some people like do go in the weed on details, to speed up the process you can get my High Value Sales Script here or read on.


  1. Create Need

    Creating a need with your prospect starts with understanding what your prospect actually needs, and determining if your product, program or service can actually help them. Bottom line, pick your head up from your phone and start asking pointed questions. Take and honest interest in the person in from of you or on the phone with you.

    Rant: The simplicity of buying online has taken the conversation piece out of selling, which means most people are just guessing what the prospect really wants and is making assumptions. One of the best parts of selling- is establishing the need, and getting to know the person in front of you.

  2. Give Value

    Once you know what your prospect needs it’s time to provide them value, and to riff on what their problems are and how your product, program or service can solve it for them. Typically this is a 3-4 prong approach where you explain the benefits of working with you.

    I was recently on a sales call- where the gal I who was trying to sell me, was attempting to give value, and ended up insulting and belittling me, she actually had the audacity to laugh at my pain and tell me I was stupid- but not to worry- she could help educate me and make me less dumb…. For the love of all sales people, never and I mean NEVER belittle, demean or devalue your prospect. Not only will they not buy from you, but they will have nothing nice to say about you to any of their friends… and some people may actually storm the internet and leave a bad review, telling the world about what you did.

  3. Ask permission

    I know it sounds odd and perhaps silly but inserting this simple question, “Thank you so much for sharing that with me, do you mind if I tell you about what this (program) can do for you?”

    People will actually beg you to, and say something along the lines of, “I thought you would never ask.”

    Then ask them, if they have any questions, before moving on to make your offer.

  4. Make your offer.

    This is the part where you talk about price, duration, all the house keeping details.

    Present your offer then…

  5. Shut up

    Shut up and wait for their response- so many sales are lost on the field of jibber jabber. Stop talking and actually let your prospect think. Some will say “yes, sign me up!” others will toss out their favorite objections- money, spouse, time, religion, think about it, you name it- you will hear it.

    Then the game becomes throwing down objections like a ninja or collecting their payment information.

I remember back in the day day, when I was working in the pawnshop, I would lead with flirting- it worked as a persuasive technique, but only on a small customer base. I suppose flirting with people is a way of establishing need, and creating value albeit the lowest form of it, but it was a place to start.

Sales are one of those things, that is a skill and with any skill you can’t expect to nail it the first time or everytime. Sales are a practice in serving but not giving unsolicited advice, and in human communication and at times persuasion.

Need help creating a more detailed sales system? I have opened up 3 spots to my Elite Sales & Marketing Intensive where you and I will take a deep dive into your products, your offers and your approach to maximize your sales and profits almost instantly. Interested in determining if this intensive is right for you, click here to apply.

Want to go it alone? No problem, you can get my High Ticket Sales Script that I have used to sell Millions of Dollars in programs, products and services over the last 16 years. Click here to download your copy now.


30K Months Suck!


Greed & Selfishness are Good