It's easy to feel beaten down

Let's be honest as an entrepreneur it can seem like a lonely road. The challenges are abounding, the responsibility rest heavy on your shoulders to take care of your clients, your staff and to always be creating something that is marketable and profitable, but also something that serves others.

Most people decided to become entrepreneurs after having a bad experience with a boss who micromanaged, or was overpaid or maybe you though you could do it better. So off you went to take the road less traveled- you decided to take your life into your own hands and become the boss. 

When starting you were thrilled, excited and scared.

You would wake up a tizzy of energy and light, and enthusiasm to get your work done and make an impact. The days were long, you would have small wins through out the day, and the weeks and even the months. You woke up one day and realized something was missing.

You hadn't talked to your friends in a months, your family was beginning to wonder if mom was ever going to return and you felt your health beginning to suffer. One day you are talking to a family member, and they look at you and say, " Something has got to give, can't you see you are burning the candle at both ends."

At least that is how the conversation went with me and my Dad. My dad is a serial entrepreneur himself and he has gone through bouts of extreme growth and extreme struggle. When he noticed I was running out of gas, I knew something had to give. Next, I did what any sane woman would do, I went home and cried my eyes out, and pondered throwing in the towel.

After a solid pity party I pulled myself together and reminded myself of my mission and realized that it's ok to not do it all, it's ok to not be everything to everyone and it is possible to still be successful. 

As Momma Bosses it is easy to feel like you are in this by yourself. You work, you create, your provide for your family, you cook, you clean, you market, you network, you work your hardest to maintain a healthy happy relationship, you do your best to be a good friend, and then you do your best to raise children that are at the very least kind, gentle and well balanced individuals- who hopefully don't grow up damaged beyond repair. While hopefully at the end of the day you have enough left to feed yourself,  shower and shave your legs.

It's hard!

Heck sometimes is just down right exhausting!

I get it! 

On those hard days though, on the days you feel bruised and bit bloodied- when you are tempted to throw in the towel... Would you have it any other way?

For now find comfort in knowing that you aren't alone, you never will be and remember you got this!

Over the next several blogs I will be posting about finding balance when you feel off balance, so you can accomplish more with less time, and be able to give more of yourself to your vision and your purpose and of course your people.


3 Tips for Managing time when you have no time.