Master the Art Of Replicating Yourself

As your company grows it outgrows you- those who win long term in business are masters of replicating themselves by training, empowering and believing in others.

There comes a critical point in your business growth where your need to control every aspect with suffocate your business, keep it small, and keep you overworked and overwhelmed.

There is a reason business file taxes separately- they are their own living, breathing being- the more you try to control the being of your business the harder it gets.

Your business is your baby- you want to keep it safe and protected.

To truly keep it safe and protected you have to bring on others to help you grow it.

The entrepreneur who has the strongest business is the one who can dream, do, empower and remove themselves quickly from day to operations.

  • When you grow people- your company will grow.

  • When you empower people- they grow.

  • When you believe in the power of people, the power of your vision- it will grow beyond your wildest dreams.

I have seen this modeled for me by my dad and have modeled it for others in my own businesses- do not mistake- both of our paths to freedom were hard won. Full of people disappointing, lawsuits, judgements, and some really hard stuff.

You don’t get to become the king or queen of your domain without some battles and bruises along the way.

Sometimes you trust the wrong person and get burned.

Sometimes you trust the right person and get burned.

With each battle and failure comes a lesson learned.

The most successful business owners- don’t actually do all the things in their business. They find amazing people who are world class at what they do, who believe in the company vision and grow the company.

  • As the business owner you create jobs.

  • You allow your people the opportunity to excel in their career and find their own fulfillment.

  • You help your team feed their families.

When you expand your team- you aren’t just growing your company and getting help to do things- you are helping others fulfill their life dreams- whether or not they stay on with your company.

The only true way to be successful is to lift others up.

Give others opportunities because you have the power too.

The Art of Replicating and Replacing yourself is an endeavor most small business owners fail at- because they just can’t give up control.

In your unwillingness to give up control of tasks you are also giving up the opportunity and ability to effectively grow your company.

Your company will shrink or go extinct- because you will work yourself into the ground trying to do it all, it happens everyday.

If you are in danger of giving into the need to micromanage and strangle your company, you don’t have to stay stuck in that mindset. I can help.

I have grown multiple company’s past 7 figures while remaining profitable and giving the owner the freedom to take time off or embark on new opportunities that fuel their soul. If you are interested on seeing what I can do to help you grow your company, your profits, and your freedom it’s time we hop on a Smart Business Audit Call.

On this call we will look at all the areas of your business, and discover where you are winning, where you need help, and what needs to die in your business. It will be a call where you feel challenged and inspired and walk away with more clarity around your business than you have gotten in a a month let alone a 1 hour call. To schedule your Smart Business Audit click here.


Small Worries Over Time Add Up


Short Term Focus is Ruining Your Long Term Success