Short Term Focus is Ruining Your Long Term Success

Gaining a foothold of momentum in business can feel like pushing a very large misshapen boulder up a very steep hill.

Staying motivated is definitely something that has to come from within, because some days the only win is that you made it through another day.



Inner Drive


Are all words that have been used to describe successful entreprenuers. As you are growing your business those qualities you have to embody if you want to see short and long term success.

For many though, who fail, find themselves getting stuck in the day to day and the short term focus. They forget why they started or the dream they were pursuing.

When you ask a group of successful entreprenuers why they never quit- most will tell you, because they remained focussed on their “WHY.”

That long term vision.

That long term mission

That long term impact.

When you stop focusing on the long term vision, the short term losses , temporary defeats and disappointments can become all consuming, leading many to failure or quitting.

The thing is, we all expect success to be easy, and it can be if you decide success is easy for you, but more often than not- the disappointments that happen everyday can be crushing, because we take the disappointments personally.

Winning in anything- business, weight loss, relationships- takes long term focus and long term work.

It’s important to focus on the daily work that it takes to get results.

It’s important to set bit size goals- daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly- while remembering where it is all headed.

Having someone in your corner cheering you on, giving you a path forward to success is the fastest way to shortcut success, stay focused on the long term, and find the wins everyday. Having a coach in your corner, who has been there done that, and wants to help you succeed without co-signing your BS is one of the most invaluable gifts you can give yourself.

I am thinking of making a training on staying long term focused, if you would be interest type “ME” in the comments.


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