Silly Reason Why You Aren't Successful

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, why you believe what you believe about yourself and life?

You find yourself desiring a life of something more, something different, but who are you to what more?

It’s normal to doubt yourself and not want to question life as you know it, but when you do- everything changes.

When you decide to ask better questions, you get better answers.

Different answers.

(Watch the video below or keep reading below the video)

As you were growing up, people would constantly ask you, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I always wanted to be a vet or a plastic surgeon, neither happened obviously- but those questions are double edge in someways that simple challenges children to think forward to the future. In other ways, it’s a dangerous question when coupled with all the other lessons and preaching we hear growing up.


Go to college

Get a degree

Get a stable job

Buy a house

Have a family

Retire from your stable job

Do everything you wanted to do in your retirement that you wanted to do your whole life

I know you are nodding your head and probably experiencing tightness in your chest right now… me too. Hahaha

What’s challenging about this messaging, is what if you pick a job or a career that you hate or you simply outgrow?

Then what?

You couldn’t possibly do something else, or can you?

As a parent you want what’s best for your children- you want them to healthy, happy and secure. So we give them a basic roadmap while forgetting to factor in life and the human experience.

So you grow up, do most of what you are supposed to do, wake up one morning realize the standard advice simply isn’t working for you. Then you feel shame, guilt, and a little bit broken.

The thing is, life is messy.

Living life, experiencing life, and giving yourself the freedom and flexibility to change your mind is messy and not what most people do.

It takes courage to ask different question, to do different things, and to take risks, because people will judge you.

Starting a business as a mom and wife is bold. It’s courageous. It’s scary.

Whenever you decide to pursue the path less traveled- you will inadvertently embark on a road many don’t dare to walk.

It won’t be easy. You will be judged.

BUT you will not be alone, especially when you are intentional about surrounding yourself with other badass dreamers and doers.

Business is a lonely road, but it is less lonely when you have a tribe of people in your corner guiding you, supporting you and cheering you on.

The very best thing you can do, when you start your business, grow your business is work with a mentor and coach who has been where you are, who has put in the reps, done over 10,000 hours on the battlefield of business and is still joyful, and excited each and every day to show up and help you get to your 10,000 hours.

I have 3 Business Brainstorm Sessions available this week, and I would love for you to join me. Click here to apply and book your call.


Short Term Focus is Ruining Your Long Term Success


You will need this to grow your business