You will need this to grow your business

In the beginning of growing your business you just need customers and sales.

You hustle and grind and do everything you can to gain more customers and more sales.

You put in the hours.

You put in the reps.

You get an endless amount of no’s and no thank you’s- not at this time.

You push, push, push… because you know your dreams are worth the work the it takes to achieve the results you have been dreaming about.

Then one day you wake up one day a year or three years down the road with an established business, and you realize that you can’t keep going at this break neck pace.

Over a year into business you are still doing most of the work in your business.

You are still pushing forward everyday.

You look at your family and see your children are growing up, and you can’t remember the last several years of raising them.

Your significant other, always supportive and kind, feels like they’ve been left on the back burner, ignored and replaced by your business.

You don’t have time to take care of yourself. You don’t take the time.

You business has grown, and grown out of control.

It happens to everyone who is growing a business… one day you wake up and ask, “how did I get here?”

You wonder, “If this is the freedom dream I was sold, why does it feel so much like slavery?”

For me it was moment in a mastermind meeting when I said, “If this is what success looks like, I want no part in it.”

Let’s get real- there is a reason the highest rates of divorces, broken homes, and resentful children come from the home of an entrepreneur.

Starting and growing a business takes a ton of focus, dedication, concentration, love, and sacrifice- not just from you the business owner, but also your family, friends and loved ones.

In the beginning you have to be scrappy.

As you business grows, it’s time to ditch the stress and overwhelm and start enjoying the early fruits of your labor and delegate and set boundaries.

Every entrepreneur I talk to daily whether they are new or established in business know they need to set boundaries to grow their business bigger.

So how do you set boundaries with something that is all consuming and still keep the dang thing going?

It’s simple, but it’s not easy…

It has to start with you- the business owner- setting boundaries with yourself:

  • Work hours

  • Morning and Evening Routines

  • Rituals

  • Scheduled trips, vacations or date nights.

  • Knowing the work that only you can do, and the work that someone else can do

  • When you delegate- not micromanaging everything

Then you get to set boundaries within the business itself:

  • Work hours

  • Staff Expectations

  • Communication Cycles

  • Customer support expectations

  • and so much more

It’s not easy to change your modus operandi. It’s not easy to set boundaries for yourself and others then stick with them- but it is a necessity to grow your business beyond your wildest dreams.

If you are ready to get some help with setting up boundaries for bigger business- I might be able to help you. You can find out by booking one of 3 Business Brainstorm Sessions I have available this week right here

Let me know in the comments what your biggest struggle in setting boundaries in business has been.


Silly Reason Why You Aren't Successful


Why does it look easier for everyone else?