Take a break to breathe

This summer has been the first summer in a very long time where I haven’t planned one vacation and instead set the intention to work and focus on my business. I love to work. Working is on of my favorite activities.  

Like most momma bosses there is nothing that feeds my soul more than being of use. The quickest way for me to feel useful is to work and contribute to my companies mission of changing lives through health, fitness, fun, and community.  

It can also be challenging to take unscheduled days off,  but sometimes it’s just what the doctor ordered.


I recently found myself feeling overwhelmed, unfocused, scattered and feeling rather suffocated with the day to day. So I told my team, my husband and my children that I was going to take a few days of quiet to recharge, refocus and set some goals- both personally and for the business. 


I got out of town for a couple days and suddenly I could breathe, both mentally and physically. You know the feeling, the elephant no longer sitting on your chest and your brain feels fluid and almost instantly creative. 


Its interesting the pressure we put on ourselves as women to constantly be switched on. To constantly be caring for other people, constantly be caring for our homes, our businesses and our families that we forget what we need, to be ok. 

For me adventure feeds my soul. New tastes, new experiences and quiet moments and an opportunity to step back, and reflect what is currently important to me. To check in and make sure that I am still heading in the direction of my goals.  


I am also an introvert. I love people, but I also recognize my need for quiet reflection and stillness. Moments of not needing to be on, and moments to dream the dreams of my heart. 

What are your favorite ways to recharge, refocus and find your center? When is the last time you just turned it all off? 


Why do you do the work you do?


Feeling Better a day at a time starts with this