Why do you do the work you do?

 Have you ever stopped and wondered why you do the work you do? 

 Do you want to make an impact? Do you want to make money? Do you want to provide for your family? What is it that motivated you in the beginning to start your business? 

 For me I wanted to make an impact. I think most of us do.

I wanted to pay it forward and help others the way others had helped me.  

Then I went through my divorce and it really became about creating a life for my children and being the sole provider of my family.  It was that terrifying moment that so many entrepreneurs have.  Of knowing that “I have to make this thing work” or all of us were going down in flames.  

So I did what I had to do and showed up every day, worked 18-20 hour days. Bringing my children with me, to train clients when it was still dark out in the early morning, bring them to school, going back to work, picking them up from school, going back to work, feeding them, putting them to bed, only to do it all again the next day. Many people asked me how I did it, and I still don’t know, but that’s another story for another day. 

 The first several years were exhausting and any sane person would’ve thrown in the towel, heck most people do, it’s a lot of work growing a business.  But I was motivated by the impact that would one day be my children’s future but the future of those who I helped every day through my business. 

 As the gym grew and I had to hire people because I could no longer do it all on my own, my days became less long but just as stressful. I now had people relying on me for a paycheck so they could feed their families.  Still motivated by impact with a lot of it being ego driven (it’s crazy how the ego can help us grow but also destroy us.)

How will this make me look? How can I take care of myself while taking care of my people ?  How can I make myself look better? 

 After a few failures with staff and clients, nearly losing the business I built, I really had to evaluate my strategy for business and relationships. Not only why was in business but why wanted to stay in business.  Because at that time- it would’ve been easy to close the doors, and walk away. In fact it would have been the most logical thing to move onto the next thing.  But something in me told me I couldn’t quit.

  After recovering from my failures one of the things that I learned is you’ve got to just love people. You’ve got to love your team, you’ve got a love your clients, and you’ve got to love yourself. 

 But one of my most staggering discoveries was a few nights ago, when my husband and I were talking about why we work and why we do the work that we do.

I said something that has been the truest thing for me yet. I have chosen the work and the business I have because at the end of the day “I just want to be use.”

Being of use is a blessing. And having the opportunity to be of use for others, whether it’s your family, your team or your clients is the best blessing of all.  


  It feels good to be of use...


Raising teenage boys (this sh*t ain't easy)


Take a break to breathe