Mindset, Success Sara Goossen Mindset, Success Sara Goossen

Never Fail Again

Pursuing any kind of different is hard, whether you are growing a business, trying to lose weight, investing in stocks, gold or real estate, etc. There is an element of the unknown variables in new things.

A lot of people state Fear of failure as their reason for never pursuing their dreams, but if you fail, you haven’t really lost anything, you have gone back to go, and collected an abundance of lessons.

In business, the micro failures and the micro losses lead to success, it’s a game of who can stick with it the longest, which is where my next piece of wisdom comes from.

Pursuing any kind of different is hard, whether you are growing a business, trying to lose weight, investing in stocks, gold or real estate, etc. There is an element of the unknown variables in new things.

A lot of people state Fear of failure as their reason for never pursuing their dreams, but if you fail, you haven’t really lost anything, you have gone back to go, and collected an abundance of lessons.

In business, the micro failures and the micro losses lead to success, it’s a game of who can stick with it the longest, which is where my next piece of wisdom comes from.

Failure isn’t an option.

When you take failure off the table of possibilities, other possibilities, solutions, options, and lessons open up. The door to success opens for you.

People have asked me, how I succeed in achieving all my goals, my answer is simple- FAILURE ISN’T AN OPTION.

It never could be.

When you start thinking of failure as an option, a possibility- doors begin to close, the work becomes harder, your creativity goes out the window, and leaves you mentally, emotionally and physically in a state of negativity, despair, confusion, and inaction.

Nothing can grow from that. Change won’t happen.

When you change your thinking, and instead think towards higher things, like succeeding being the only option- suddenly you find yourself succeeding with ease.

The work becomes easier and more joyful.

Your creativity knows no bounds

The universe or God starts to send blessings, answers, and abundance your way. Like attracts like. Faith attracts goodness.

I am not saying growing a business is easy- because it is the greatest course in personal development and grit anyone can undertake. What I am saying- is you must be tougher and more resilient than your weakest thought. You must dig deep, hang onto your dreams, because you weren’t given them on accident, and make failure a nonstarter.

Failure isn’t an option for people who succeed, sure it’s a possibility, but it’s never an option.

Let me know in the comments your relationship with failure or success, which dictates your approach to life and work?

If you are a coach, consultant or service provider, I created something for you 15 Ways to Make 100k this Year. In this guide I walk you through how simple and relatively easy it can be, to make 100k in your business this year.

Plus I guide you thru the 3 things your business needs:

  • To attract clients who want what you are selling,

  • Are willing to pay for it

  • Become raving customers

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Mindset, Leadership Sara Goossen Mindset, Leadership Sara Goossen

Are you failing as a leader?

I’ve noticed recently as a look at the entrepreneurial space in recent months, leaders are becoming whiners, complainers, and bellyachers. It’s hard to see the rest of the societal narrative of always looking for something to complain about, invading the hearts and minds of some of the strongest leaders, breaks my heart and saddens me.

Scrolling through social media, I see people who are generally upbeat, positive and encouraging others to see the world through a rosier lens take a wrong turn somewhere into the realm passive aggressive, aggressive, and/ or blaming and fingerpointing.

As leaders we are the problems solvers of society.

I’ve noticed recently as a look at the entrepreneurial space in recent months, leaders are becoming whiners, complainers, and bellyachers. It’s hard to see the rest of the societal narrative of always looking for something to complain about, invading the hearts and minds of some of the strongest leaders, breaks my heart and saddens me.

Scrolling through social media, I see people who are generally upbeat, positive and encouraging others to see the world through a rosier lens take a wrong turn somewhere into the realm passive aggressive, aggressive, and/ or blaming and fingerpointing.

As leaders we are the problems solvers of society.

When we point out the problems we see it is to provide a solution, not to complain. We are constantly looking forward to see and create a better world.

I get that life hasn’t been easy this year, the world is different, and things are uncertain and ever changing. BUT things have ALWAYS been uncertain, challenging and ever changing.

What you think about you bring about.

What you talk about becomes your reality.

Why waste your thoughts and words on anything more than possibility, future casting and problem solving?

Why add to the problems of the world? Enough people do that.

Why state and restate the problems of the world? Everyone is already doing that.

You are not everyone else.

You are a world changer, and you can’t change the world if you are focusing on the wrong things.

The wrong things are:

  • The things that disempower and discourage

  • Stating the problem without offering a solution

  • Being negative, passive aggressive, or sarcastic

You are a leader, as a leader we have to first lead ourselves.

I know how easy it is to give into to noise and the negativity and focus on the small things that do nothing to improve your life or the lives you impact. It’s easy to say “The struggle is real,” and allow the work and toil in growing a business, raising a family, and living life in a changing climate to be so overwhelming you feel like everything you want to do and achieve is impossible or has to be hard.

Nothing in this life is easy, but the perspective we have about the things that happen are a choice.

Leaders do better, and lead.

Dreamers do better, and do.

Dare to be bold enough to think differently, speak differently, and you will create differently.

It’s not always about being positive or always being ra-ra, that’s not realistic, and I’m highly suspect of people who refuse to acknowledge the hard stuff, denial ain’t pretty either.

What I am saying is - Perspective is everything.

It’s ok to go through the thoughts and feelings and pity party phase of the hard stuff happening everyday, for each of us, while still not talking about it, and whining about it before you have had the chance to process through the stuff.

It’s tempting to bond through pain, but that kind of bonding leads to the most toxic and unproductive relationships, businesses, and life experiences.

Make it a rule, to not share the hard stuff with the world- until you have come through it, learned the lesson and can speak from wisdom not whining. Save your emoting for your family and close friends.

As a leader we must speak the truth from wisdom. Wisdom is formed through thoughtfulness, reflection, and experience.

Let me know in the comments if you have noticed the trend of negativity in yourself or the world around you lately. Have you tried to change it?

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