Sara Goossen Sara Goossen

4 Tips To Spice Up Your Messaging

Do you ever find yourself completely and totally uninspired?

Many times over the recent years, I have gone through periods of posting, promoting, and delivering value and content- only to stop posting cold turkey, because I feel completely uninspired by life, the topics I talk about, and the world at large.

Do you ever find yourself completely and totally uninspired?

Many times over the recent years, I have gone through periods of posting, promoting, and delivering value and content- only to stop posting cold turkey, because I feel completely uninspired by life, the topics I talk about, and the world at large.

It’s easy to be constantly entertained in today’s plugged in world of social media, streaming TV, and everything we could ever want at need at our fingertips.

There still seems to come a point when everything begins to look the same, sound the same, and feel the same… It’s all kind of lame.

In those times of boredom, and lack of inspiration there are a few things that I do to reinvigorate myself and my message that could be useful to you.

  1. Take some quiet time for much needed reflection

    It’s hard to find peace and quiet in our ever moving world, don’t you think. If your world gets too quiet all you have to do is tap your phone screen and suddenly life is back in front of your eyes.

    There is beauty, creativity, and inspiration to be found in silence.

    That’s one reason why mediation and journalling are so big for many people, because in the silence is when we can truly hear our own thoughts.

    Turning off your phone and your devices, is ok to do. The world will not stop if you aren’t constantly plugged in.

    Taking time to go for a wander, meditate, journal or pray is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

    Sometimes the easiest way to find what’s missing is to get a little lost.

    A little lost in your thoughts, a little lost on a new adventure, a little lost in your own questions to the universe.

  2. Seek a different experience

    Take a road trip, book a flight, call a friend, or check off something daring from your bucket list.

    You were born to live.

    Getting stuck in the day to day rut of working, living, and caring for your family, it can begin to feel like groundhogs day or the song that never ends (yep, now that songs in my head too!)

    A pattern interrupt is one of the fastest ways to reset.

    Pre COVID, my life was full of frequent adventures big and small, near and far. I scheduled no less than 2 months of vacations, travel and adventure throughout my year.

    With all the changes that 2020 has brought, the scope of my adventures has certainly changed- but my wandering gypsy heart still calls me to be wild and wander every chance I get.

    As they say… Variety is the spice of life.

  3. Allow yourself to feel big feelings

    As an entrepreneur, some of the biggest feelings we have are fear, anxiety and stress with sporadic moments of elation- because something finally worked and we are winning.

    I have noticed though that as I have gotten older, I have found a way to measure my emotions and reactions. I am not the hot head that I once was, for sure, and excitement seems like something I save for the right company.

    I think a lot of us experience this, we are told to…

    Calm down, Slow down, Be quiet, People are watching.

    So we do, because nobody want to feel weird or out of control- because in business and life- people’s perception of you does matter.

    So we measure our emotions, save our drama for another day, and somehow not experiencing big emotions becomes normal.

    If you really want life to and our messaging to be spicy and remain spicy, you simply allow yourself to toss the rules and just freaking be who we are- big feelings, big life experiences and all.

    Sounds delightful, doesn’t it?

  4. Just Say It

    Just say what it is you want to say NOT what you think you should say.

    Rip the pretty bow off your message, throw some shit around, and say what is on your mind, not what you think should be on your mind.

    Maybe some people will unfollow you, be scandalized by your opinion, and you may hear “You aren’t who I thought you were.”

    Who the hell cares if you please others. Your life and your message isn’t to please others. You are here to mix things up, cause a little hell, and make this world a better, different place than you came into.

    Change doesn’t happen by pleasing everyone.

    Change happens by daring to have your own thoughts, your own words and not being afraid to speak it out.

    Be you, all of you, in all of your too much-ness. That’s really what the world needs, not another recycled quote or boring post.

Remember my friend, at the end of the day, your business is an extension of you. If you are slapping together a message that you aren’t excited about chances are nobody will be excited about it either.

You don’e have to post all the time, unless you want to, but make what you do post the truest reflection of you, your message and your legacy.

Still feel stuck with your message, and completely uninspired by your business let talk, find solutions and get your back on the path to living your truest message and your most exciting life while growing a business you are proud of and let’s talk. Book your Smart Business Audit and ready to make everything in your life and business that little bit of extra you are craving!

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Mindset, Success Sara Goossen Mindset, Success Sara Goossen

Small Worries Over Time Add Up

Last week I had my implants removed. I loved having big fake boobies, I felt sexy, attractive and just more of a womanly shape.

So why ditch the implants? It’s an invasive surgery, and healing and time off is required.

For those who have been messaging an emailing me, asking where I have been- I was heavily medicated and sleeping like a newborn, not to worry- I haven’t died or fallen into some dark hole.

I made the decision, after what can only be described as an implant injury- where I either needed to get them fixed, replaced or removed. There was going to be surgery anyways, so I made the decision to have them removed, and with it to commit to fully loving myself.

The biggest reason though that I decided to not just have new implants put in, is one that many may not understand.

The constant worry that came with me having implants is why I decided to not have new one put in.

  • What if they make me sick? (Breast Implant Illness is real, the threat of cancer is real)

  • What if they rupture? (Turns out one had been ruptured for several years without me knowing)

  • What if I am lifting weights, and my pec muscle tears?

  • The list of things that I stopped doing when I got implants- even little things that I love, for fear of injuring myself or my implant is much longer than I realized.

There are so many more things to add to this list, but I don’t want to bore you.

Over the last year my efforts have been concentrated on taking away things that cause me unnessicary stress, worry, and to remove things that don’t help me live out my purpose. My implants caused me this low background noise of worry and stress that I no longer have to worry about.

I am a fan of plastic surgery, and doing the things that make you feel like more of you- turns out that my implants served me while they did and now it’s time to move on, embrace my place on the IBTC (itty bitty titty committee) and stop worry about things I have control over.

There are very few things in this life that we have control over, but the things that add value or take value from our life experience are in our control.

If there is a constant niggle, or a constant worry that is playing in the back ground of your brain- what it is? Can you change it? Can you control the worry or is it time to give up control?

It’s important to remember- what you focus on expands.

Good or bad, happy or sad.

Being intentional with what gets and keeps your focus can dictate your overall happiness, success, relationships, weight, and life fulfillment.

What do you choose to focus on today?

Heads up, I am writing a couple books of workouts, that I have written and compiled over the years- if you are interested in joining the presale list- so you can be the first to know about the releases, and early bird discounts let me know in the comments.

Could be the best Christmas Gift you give yourself.

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