Business Basics, Sales, Profit, Strategy Sara Goossen Business Basics, Sales, Profit, Strategy Sara Goossen

Is Your Business an Expensive Hobby?

I tell my clients all the time that if you don’t have sales you don’t have a business.

If you don’t have income coming in, your business is either going out of business, never was a business, or is a very expensive hobby.

If you aren’t selling, you aren’t serving.

If you aren’t serving, you are wasting your god given gifts. I am firm believer that God does not give you a vision, without giving your the tools and the capability to see that vision come to life. I also believe that if you have a call that has been placed on your heart, and you do not follow the persistent tug, you will lose the vision, and God will gift it to someone else.

Have you ever, had an idea, done nothing with it and a year later, you see your idea in an as seen on tv ad or a facebook ad. You had the chance friend.

Many new, and first time business owners get it all messed up when they start their business. They create a logo, a fancy website, a fancy funnel, they wander down the technology rabbit hole, and come out 3 months later tired, bleary eyed and broke. With nothing to sell, and no one to sell it to.

There is a coaching program out there, that teaches you how to create your program, all the tech behind it, but fails to teach to grow your audience, while you are building your program.

If you don’t have an audience friends, you don’t have anyone to sell to. Without anyone to sell to, you don’t have sales, and the panic sets in.

I tell my clients all the time that if you don’t have sales you don’t have a business.

If you don’t have income coming in, your business is either going out of business, never was a business, or is a very expensive hobby.

If you aren’t selling, you aren’t serving.

If you aren’t serving, you are wasting your god given gifts. I am firm believer that God does not give you a vision, without giving your the tools and the capability to see that vision come to life. I also believe that if you have a call that has been placed on your heart, and you do not follow the persistent tug, you will lose the vision, and God will gift it to someone else.

Have you ever, had an idea, done nothing with it and a year later, you see your idea in an as seen on tv ad or a facebook ad. You had the chance friend.

Many new, and first time business owners get it all messed up when they start their business. They create a logo, a fancy website, a fancy funnel, they wander down the technology rabbit hole, and come out 3 months later tired, bleary eyed and broke. With nothing to sell, and no one to sell it to.

There is a coaching program out there, that teaches you how to create your program, all the tech behind it, but fails to teach to grow your audience, while you are building your program.

If you don’t have an audience friends, you don’t have anyone to sell to. Without anyone to sell to, you don’t have sales, and the panic sets in.

Hello Debt

Hello course, program, website that is completely useless and has recurring monthly expense.

Hello Frustration, tears, self doubt, and annoyance

Where do you go from there? When you have all this work you’ve put in, to something you cannot sell, because you missed a simple step, an important step- growing your audience, while asking them what they want to see from you.

For many coaches, consultants and creators- we love to create. We love to solve problems that exist, but we often get easily swayed by our own creativity- we build ourselves into our own prison of creation without looking for people who we can create solutions for.

Sure you have in mind, who you are creating your products and programs and websites for- but you aren’t actually talking to them,

You see the point of starting a business is to make money. To be profitable and to make the owner money. You can’t make money without selling.

Are you struggling to get your business off the ground? To create consistent income? To increase your audience daily, so that you can have more people to sell to?

If so, you are not alone. It’s easy to go down the creating rabbit hole, to stay in the hole, to stay frustrated and wonder why nothing is working the way you think it should.

There is hope, it’s as simple as:

  1. Lead Gen (Talk About Your Thing)

  2. Lead Nurture (Take time to talk to people who are actually interested in your thing)

  3. Sales (Sell your thing, deposit money)

  4. Delivery (Delivery the program, product or service)

  5. Rinse & Repeat

If you are struggling to get your business off the ground, I invite you to join my next Get Paid Everyday Case Study Program- where we will work together to get your business off the ground, without high tech or high stress, just simple results.

Are you ready? Want to know more?

Let me know in the comments or send me a message on Facebook or Instagram

If you haven’t already, subscribe to my newsletter here.

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Goals, Success Sara Goossen Goals, Success Sara Goossen

3 Steps to Get What You Want Out Of Life

When my daughter Lena was about 7 years old, she got very upset because there was something she wanted. I didn’t know what it was, or why she was upset. All I knew was that she was very upset.

She did the Lena Lockout… she locked her knees, curled her toes, and held her breath. Clearly, she was ticked about something, but refused to tell me. Eventually after some time of cajoling her to tell me what wrong, she erupted.

She wanted something, and it wasn’t fair she didn’t get it.

I asked her, if she told me she wanted the thing, and I missed it?

When my daughter Lena was about 7 years old, she got very upset because there was something she wanted. I didn’t know what it was, or why she was upset. All I knew was that she was very upset.

She did the Lena Lockout… she locked her knees, curled her toes, and held her breath. Clearly, she was ticked about something, but refused to tell me. Eventually after some time of cajoling her to tell me what wrong, she erupted.

She wanted something, and it wasn’t fair she didn’t get it.

I asked her, if she told me she wanted the thing, and I missed it?

She said no, I should just know what she wants.

I let her know that that I am not a mind reader, and if she wants something all she has to do is ask. Put it out there, because at least when you say what you want, you have 50% chance of getting it. If you say nothing you have a 100% chance that you will never get what you want.

Like Lena learned that day, it takes courage and knowing yourself to know what you want, and to ask for what you want.

When it comes to achieving the success you want to achieve, the same holds true.

Recently a posed the question on social media, “Do you set goals or do you avoid setting goals?”

The answers I got ran the gambit. Some people avoid setting goals or declaring what they want, because what if they fail or the answer is no?

While others, detest the word and very concept of setting ”goals” but still get what they want out of life by creating a vision, and steps to achieve that vision, creating accountability and consistency, or manifesting (this is cringe world for me, but whatever works for you, works for you.)

Regardless of what you call the process of declaring what you want and the process for going after doesn’t really matter. Find the verbage that works for you.

Many of us were taught to sit still, be quiet, look pretty. It never occurred to us, that we were even allowed to have or ask for what we want. It can be a be a learning curve to actually ask ourselves what we want, and get after getting it.

You don’t need permission to want what you want.

You don’t need permission to go after what you want.

What you do need to get what you want out of life, business and all your pursuits is simple, not easy.

  1. “What do I want?”

    Have the courage to ask yourself what do you want. It can take time to come up with an answer, especially if you have never asked yourself what it is you want. The more you ask this question, the faster you will know if you are actually on the right track for achieving what you want.

  2. Figure out the action steps

    Knowing what you want is one thing. Having the courage to go after it, is another. You can want want something, but if no one knows, and you don’t have a plan of daily actions for getting it, you will never have it.

    To many live their lives half way, saying what they want, and then wait for the universe to serve it up on a silver platter without actually taking the action steps to make it happen. Then they wonder why, they still don’t have what they want.

    Declaration + Intentional Action= Results

  3. Have patience & trust

    Change takes time. Success takes time. Sometimes things take more time than others. Trust yourself, trust the process, and have faith that with persistence good things will come.

    The journey to having the life and business you want, it the biggest and most beautiful part of life, and attaining your goals and visions.

Whether you set goals, have visions, make plans, or set intentions- there are many words and ways we go about creating the life and experiences we want.

If you have yet to sit down and declare what you want to yourself and the world around you, there is no time like the present. Sign up for my 90 minute Workshop on Monday, January 11th at 11a MST. We will break down where you are and were you want to go in the next 3,6,9, and 12 months in 9 key areas of your life and business. You can sign up for my 90 Minute Workshop here.

If you want to get updates from me, join my Newsletter here.

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