Why You Don't Need Another Course

The first meeting of Course Buyers Anonymous has come to order, you belong here if you have been guilty of purchasing courses to solve your problems, going through the first few modules, then dropping them like bad habit, because you bought another course.

Are you guilty of this? Buying a course, starting the course, quitting the course, then buying another course that does the same thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love buying courses, I’ve bought many courses over the years, some I finished, some I didn’t. When I take a step back and look at all the money I’ve spent on courses I never completed- it makes me tear up a little.

People buy courses because the marketing is spot on, the sales process is easy, and the course promises to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

Where most of these courses and programs are missing the mark is the people component. Part of the value stack of just about every single course is the course itself, a facebook community, and workbooks for implementation. None of this is necessarily wrong, but there is something missing in the equation… accountability and help with implementation.

Most people buy a course when what they really need is a mastermind or coaching program, because it’s what they can afford. When you stop to look at how much money you spend on courses doing the same thing, you could easily afford coaching or a mastermind, where you can almost be guaranteed to shoot past your goals, because you have coaching, accountability and true community.

I have a beef with coaches, consultants and course creators who lean heavily on their facebook groups for community, support and accountability.

With the push to grow facebook groups specifically, the personalization and caring of the industry has taken a back seat. When I see community through a facebook group being part of a value stack, I roll my eyes a little. I roll my eyes even more when I see these same people asking how to increase engagement in their facebook group.

That’s not community friends, it’s a cop out, (but that’s another post, you can read here.)

There are actually a couple courses and programs out there that take the implementation and coaching part more seriously in their sales process, but when the rubber hits the road they too fall flat in assisting with implementation.

I’m cautious of investing in companies who largely scale personalized coaching, fail to deliver personalized coaching, and hide behind contracts and weak facebook groups.

There are also some really great personalized course implementation coaching programs, which are smaller, the quality is high, and you aren’t just another number on their enrollment sheet. These programs tend to be smaller, less hyped, but more personalized- so you aren’t just getting lost in the shuffle- but they are a bit more expensive than just a course.

Friend you don’t need another coarse, you need accountability, you need a sounding board, your need someone to bounce ideas off of, and tell you what is great, and what is not. Buying another course, is just going to drain your bank account, and leave you just as confused as you were when you started.

You don’t need another course, you need coaching and accountability, if you really want to take your results to the next level. Sure you can do it on your own, but it takes longer, is more frustrating, and you get to skip the hardest learning curve when you have someone come along side you, and guide you.

Make no mistake, coaching won’t solve your problems, you still have to do the work. Coaching will give you a ear to bend, a real person to talk to, who is equally invested in your success, but it won’t give you someone to do the work for you.

If you are ready to get your business off the ground, I have a new program starting soon, called the Get Paid Every Day Case Study Program, where I will guide you through getting your business off the ground, and show you how to get sales everyday.

If you are interested shoot me a message on Facebook or Instagram with the words, “Get Paid Everyday.”

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Never Fail Again


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