3 Tips to Get Your Head Right ( When You Just Don't Wanna...)

Some days it can be challenging to get out of bed and make shit happen.

A case of I don’t want to’s can stem from procrastination and fear.

You might think it’s laziness, but I you read this blog, I know you are not a lazy person. You aren’t afraid of hard work or putting yourself out there and doing the things you need to do to be successful.

Some days though, we forget why we decided to venture down the path of entrepreneurship and pursue the path less traveled. We begin to doubt ourselves, our capabilities, and our inner drive feels like it went from 60 to 0 overnight.

It’s super uncomfortable to go from feeling like you are on top of the world to lower than dirt, but I haven’t met one business owner who doesn’t ride the emotional roller coaster from time to time, I honestly believe that, it’s part of the journey.

Looking back on when my Dad was growing his businesses, he would have high highs of joy and winning and low lows of getting his ass kicked.

As an entrepreneur that’s kind of what we sign up for. We live life in the fast lane which can often start to resemble the stress lane. We strive to push the world forward with our products and services, and we can’t expect ourselves to be “on” all the time.

I have witnessed over the years, the people who win the most in business and in life in general are the people who manage to take control of their state of mind, harness their energy and realize that only they can shift their mind, energy and output.


It can be really easy to take your foot off the gas of driving your business and life forward when nothing seems to be going as planned, but those are the moments you need to remind yourself to dig in, dig deeper, trust the process, and keep going.

It takes real trust in yourself, your capabilities and the vision you have for the future.

The thing is, in those moments of “I don’t wanna” and feeling defeated we have a choice to keep moving forward, lay off the gas or throw in the towel.

It’s important to remember that when things get hard in business you must remind yourself that “This is what hard feels like.”

Being a business owner or entrepreneur is not easy and it never will be, so go ahead and let go of the delusion that it will get easier- no my friend, you will just get better.

We are all faced with the the reality at some point- that it’s hard and hard for a reason.

Here are 3 Things you can do to change your state, when you don’t really feel like showing up and working towards growing your business and working on your vision.

1) Get Your Mind Right

Many battles are won and lost in the space between your ears. If you don’t take the time to harness your thoughts, and steer them, your thoughts will steer you. Fear and defeat are super powerful emotions that in essence are there to protect us from the lion eating us. There is no lion that is going to eat you just because things aren’t going your way today.

Negative and fear based thinking will always take you down though- unless you harness it.

My favorite ways to harness my thoughts are:

  • Journalling

  • Prayer & Meditation

  • Revisiting my goals

  • Returning to why I got started in the first place and why I believe in my vision and my mission

2) Don’t think- Just Do- Until You’re Done

Simplistic as it may sound, sometimes you just gotta show up, do the work, until the work is done. People too often let their most emotional thoughts and feelings dictate the things they will and won’t do in work, life, relationships, health, etc. The desires for pleasure and relief of pain are very strong, but when you can temporarily shut off the emotion and just do the thing you must do- over time it will give you confidence and discipline.

At the end of the day isn’t that what creates success anyways? DISCIPLINE

3) Move your body

Seriously, there is very little that hard workout or a walk won’t solve. That boost of endorphins, oxygen to your brain and a good sweat not only cleanses your mind, your mood, and is a great reset for stinkin thinkin. Not many people actually enjoy exercise- but I don’t know anyone who hasn’t felt better after a good sweat sesh.

Something else I really like a good workout is you meet your weakest and strongest self in every session. The negative fearful thinking inside you is put to the test, and put in it’s place.

It’s important to remember that through the day to day of growing a business whether it’s brick and mortar or online- all business owners have days when they really don’t feel like and don’t want to- but what you choose to do with those thoughts will ultimately dictate your success.

I am currently accepting new clients into my 12 Week Life is Sweet Intensive that starts the week of July 6th, interested in learning more head over to https://themommabossmethod.com/intensive

If you are interested in learning how I can help you scale and leverage your business, let’s hop on a call, book it here.

You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and on The Momma Boss Podcast


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